Wednesday 7 July 2010

Continue? (Or, how I stopped worrying and learned to love VGM arrangements again)

Ok ok, so I've gone back on my word.

I said that I would stop recording more VGM arrangements, but whenever I start to play my guitar or keyboard, I end up trying to work out a tune from a video game. This being the case, I've nearly finished another arrangement - the theme from Wizball by Martin Galway (nearly wrote 'Martine' then, I sure he wouldn't have appreciated that).

I'm quite proud of it so far, though I'm up against some seriously stiff competition, mainly from Reyn Ouwehand. Look up his 8 minute epic (I think I've linked to it in an earlier post) version of Wizball, it's absolutely fantastic. My version won't be half as good as his of course, him being a true video game music God and all, but hopefully you'll all get something from it!

I've also got some other arrangements on the go as well: Dire Dire Docks from Mario 64 and Carnival Zone from Sonic 2 (they'll probably be released in that order as well) so if you'd like to see how they are going, please follow me on Twitter: